
Archive for the ‘LINQ’ Category

This is a follow on to my previous post comparing various methods of structuring LINQ queries and comparing their performance. In this post, I’m comparing the LINQ results from that post with the performance of a stored procedure call. To make the stored procedure call I’m using the ‘Code First Stored Procedures’ code developed in my earlier posts.

The stored procedure I’m calling will perform the exact same search as the LINQ calls compared earlier and uses the SQL structure introduced in the first LINQ query to handle ‘null or match’ options for each parameter in one SQL query.

	@person varchar(35),
	@permit varchar(14),
	@addrno varchar(6),
	@prefix varchar(2),
	@street varchar(35),
	@unit varchar(20),
	@comm varchar(6),
	@apn varchar(30)
	-- surround inputs with '%' so that we get a 'fuzzy' match 
	-- using like for our comparisons
	select @person = '%'+@person+'%',
		@apn = '%'+@apn+'%',
		@permit = '%'+@permit+'%',
		@addrno = '%'+@addrno+'%',
		@prefix = '%'+@prefix+'%',
		@street = '%'+@street+'%',
		@unit = '%'+@unit+'%',
		@comm = '%'+@comm+'%'

	-- search for any data matching the inputs
	select * from dbo.vw_PermitLookupSearch_2
	where ((@permit is null) or (permit like @permit)) and
		((@person is null) or (person like @person)) and
		((@apn is null) or (apn like @apn)) and
		((@addrno is null) or (addrno like @addrno)) and
		((@prefix is null) or (prefix like @prefix)) and
		((@street is null) or (street like @street)) and
		((@comm is null) or (comm like @comm))

I also repeated the same methodology to determine the performance: Capturing the generated SQL calls in SQL Profiler, and then repeating the call and capturing Client Statistics in SQL Server Management Studio with the cache cleared of any earlier results.

Here we can see the results of calling our search as a stored proc:

Client processing time 2
Total execution time 307

What’s more interesting is when you repeat the query and eliminate the overhead of compiling stored procedure and saving the query plan the results then become:

Client processing time 2
Total execution time 86

Compare this to the results from our previous post and you have the following:

Structured LINQ: 1141
‘Fractured’ LINQ: 862
Stored Proc: 307
Stored Proc w/ cached query plan: 86

The final result is that, on the database, the stored procedure call runs 10 times as fast as the better of the LINQ queries in this example. This is why your DBAs want you to use Stored Procedures.

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Optimizing Linq

LINQ is the first thing to come along in quite an while that has had a significant impact on how I write and architect code. I really like the power and flexibility of its list processing and how it can improve the clarity and understanding of the purpose of code. That said, it’s not all lilies and roses. How you write LINQ code can make a significant impact on the performance, especially where databases are involved.

Consider the following query. “data” is our input structure, containing the web form entry fields, and we’re searching the database for matching records. Since this is a search form, we don’t know which fields will have input data, so we need to test for either null or matching values.

                    var intermediate = db.Search.Where(p =>
                        (data.permit == null || p.permit.Contains(data.permit)) &&
                        (data.apn == null    || p.apn.Contains(data.apn)) &&
                        (data.addrno == null || p.addrno.Contains(data.addrno)) &&
                        (data.prefix == null || p.prefix.Contains(data.prefix)) &&
                        (data.street == null || p.street.Contains(data.street)) &&
                        (data.comm == null   || p.comm.Contains(data.comm))
                    ).OrderBy(o => o.permit).Take(1000);

                    // execute sql
                    results.resultlist = intermediate.ToList();

This is the common sort of search query you’ll see when you have a pile of inputs and any or all of them could contain values. For each parameter in our input data structure “data” we test for either null or a match by contains. Matching on ‘Contains’ rather than explicit equals means that we get a ‘fuzzy’ match on our search. The benefit of this LINQ statement is that it’s compact, clear and relatively easy to see what’s going on.

Here’s the same logical construct, but done in a very different style:

                    IQueryable<JSONPermitLookupSearchResult> intermediate = db.Search.Where(p => 1 == 1);

                    if (null != data.permit)
                        intermediate = intermediate.Where(p => p.permit.Contains(data.permit));

                    if (null != data.apn)
                        intermediate = intermediate.Where(p => p.apn.Contains(data.apn));

                    if (null != data.addrno)
                        intermediate = intermediate.Where(p => p.addrno.Contains(data.addrno));

                    if (null != data.prefix)
                        intermediate = intermediate.Where(p => p.prefix.Contains(data.prefix));

                    if (null != data.street)
                        intermediate = intermediate.Where(p => p.street.Contains(data.street));

                    if (null != data.comm)
                        intermediate = intermediate.Where(p => p.comm.Contains(data.comm));

                    intermediate.OrderBy(o => o.permit).Take(1000);

                    // execute sql
                    results.resultlist = intermediate.ToList();

It’s much more difficult to follow what’s going on here, even though both code fragments do the same thing. In this case, each input parameter is tested for a value, and if the parameter has a value the parameter is included in the LINQ statement. Each parameter is included separately with an individual call to the .Where() method, and parameters without values are not included in the LINQ statement.

The question is, which one performs better? Using SQL Profiler, I can capture the SQL generated for each LINQ statement, and then run them individually and look at the statistics for each. Given a single input value to search for, the first LINQ query produces the following SQL Statement:

exec sp_executesql N'SELECT 
[Extent1].[permit] AS [permit], 
[Extent1].[person] AS [person], 
[Extent1].[apn] AS [apn], 
[Extent1].[casetype] AS [casetype], 
[Extent1].[permittype] AS [permittype], 
[Extent1].[description] AS [description], 
[Extent1].[addrno] AS [addrno], 
[Extent1].[prefix] AS [prefix], 
[Extent1].[street] AS [street], 
[Extent1].[unit] AS [unit], 
[Extent1].[comm] AS [comm], 
[Extent1].[status] AS [status], 
[Extent1].[statusdate] AS [statusdate]
FROM [dbo].[vw_PermitLookupSearch_2] AS [Extent1]
WHERE ((@p__linq__0 IS NULL) OR ([Extent1].[permit] LIKE @p__linq__1 ESCAPE N''~'')) 
	AND ((@p__linq__2 IS NULL) OR ([Extent1].[apn] LIKE @p__linq__3 ESCAPE N''~'')) 
	AND ((@p__linq__4 IS NULL) OR ([Extent1].[addrno] LIKE @p__linq__5 ESCAPE N''~'')) 
	AND ((@p__linq__6 IS NULL) OR ([Extent1].[prefix] LIKE @p__linq__7 ESCAPE N''~'')) 
	AND ((@p__linq__8 IS NULL) OR ([Extent1].[street] LIKE @p__linq__9 ESCAPE N''~'')) 
	AND ((@p__linq__10 IS NULL) OR ([Extent1].[comm] LIKE @p__linq__11 ESCAPE N''~''))',
N'@p__linq__0 nvarchar(4000),@p__linq__1 nvarchar(4000),@p__linq__2 nvarchar(4000),
@p__linq__3 nvarchar(4000),@p__linq__4 nvarchar(4000),@p__linq__5 nvarchar(4000),
@p__linq__6 nvarchar(4000),@p__linq__7 nvarchar(4000),@p__linq__8 nvarchar(4000),
@p__linq__9 nvarchar(4000),@p__linq__10 nvarchar(4000),@p__linq__11 nvarchar(4000)',

It’s long and a bit messy, but since the computer’s handling everything I don’t particularly care. Here’s the important bit:

Time Statistics
Client processing time 1
Total execution time 1141
Wait time on server replies 1140

With clean buffers, the total execution time is 1141 milliseconds for this query.

The second LINQ query, the one assembled from pieces and parts instead of one single LINQ statement, surprisingly produces a much simpler SQL query:

exec sp_executesql N'SELECT 
[Extent1].[permit] AS [permit], 
[Extent1].[person] AS [person], 
[Extent1].[apn] AS [apn], 
[Extent1].[casetype] AS [casetype], 
[Extent1].[permittype] AS [permittype], 
[Extent1].[description] AS [description], 
[Extent1].[addrno] AS [addrno], 
[Extent1].[prefix] AS [prefix], 
[Extent1].[street] AS [street], 
[Extent1].[unit] AS [unit], 
[Extent1].[comm] AS [comm], 
[Extent1].[status] AS [status], 
[Extent1].[statusdate] AS [statusdate]
FROM [dbo].[vw_PermitLookupSearch_2] AS [Extent1]
WHERE [Extent1].[permit] LIKE @p__linq__0 ESCAPE N''~''',N'@p__linq__0 nvarchar(4000)',

When run with clean buffers, the results are equally surprising:

Time Statistics
Client processing time 0
Total execution time 862
Wait time on server replies 862

This query completed in 862 milliseconds.

The conclusion? The complex, messy, manually assembled from bits and pieces LINQ statement performed significantly better on the database than the simple, easy to understand LINQ statement. At a 1141 milliseconds versus 862 milliseconds, the performance of the second LINQ statement is noticably better on the client.

The difference is in how the LINQ process generated the SQL statement, and it’s easy to see that assembling LINQ statements to only include the necessary parameters can produce much simpler and faster SQL queries.

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